07445 400100


Verification of translated documents is necessary to confirm the content, context and accuracy of the translated text compared with the original.

Our team are experts in Polish verification. All our verificators are qualified to postgraduate degree level and deliver the highest quality service. We verify translations – to and from Polish – and offer all types of Polish verification, in any format.

Our team of linguists and cultural consultants compare previously translated documents and verify that they are complete and accurate. We review documents or search for specific content. We track content pertaining to a particular event then identify and isolate the relevant information, where we verify the translation for content, context and accuracy.

Intracontext has always provided us with an excellent and efficient service. Competent, reliable and highly accurate. We have received very positive comments on Intracontext’s work.

Mariusz Pacholak

ManaArt Design Studio

Delight to work with. Friendly personality combined with professionalism and accuracy. Excellent communication. The project went very smoothly and met all our requirements. 

Iza Zwierzchowska

Top Financial Choice Ltd

Our service is designed to reflect the highest quality, and meet our customers' deadlines and specific requirements.

To discuss your needs and obtain a quote please call 07445 400100 or email us at